The authors have constructed an inverse model for interpreting subtidal vel
ocity observations in a limited-area hindcasting context. The intended use
is following removal of a best prior circulation estimate that accounts for
tide, local baroclinicity, and the direct response to local wind forcing.
The remaining, subtidal velocity signal is inverted to provide far-field su
btidal pressure forcing.
The forward portion of the model is a linearization of a full-physics 3D si
mulator (QUODDY). Its inversion is achieved by gradient descent, using an e
xact algebraic adjoint and strong dynamical constraints. The cost function
is a weighted least squares blend of velocity mismatch plus boundary condit
ion size, slope, and tendency. The control parameters are barotropic open-w
ater boundary conditions. Solution is achieved in the time domain, as a com
plement to the frequency-domain "detiding'' inversion presented earlier.
A simple test case is introduced to demonstrate features of the inversion:
precision, accuracy, interpolation, and extrapolation. A representative app
lication on realistic topography (Georges Bank) is given.