Synechocystis PCC 6803 contains four genes encoding polypeptides with seque
nce features of CPx-type ATPases, two of which are now designated pacS and
ctaA, We show that CtaA and PacS (but not the related transporters, ZiaA or
CoaT) facilitate switching to the use of copper (in plastocyanin) as an al
ternative to iron (in cytochrome c(6)) for the carriage of electrons within
the thylakoid lumen. Disruption of pacS reduced copper tolerance but enhan
ced silver tolerance, and pacS-mediated restoration of copper tolerance was
used to select transformants, Disruption of ctaA caused no change in coppe
r tolerance but reduced the amount of copper cell(-1). In cultures suppleme
nted with 0.2 muM copper, photooxidation of cytochrome c(6) (PetJ) was depr
essed in wild-type cells but remained elevated in both Synechocystis PCC 68
03(ctaA) and Synechocystis PCC 6803(pacS), Conversely, plastocyanin transcr
ipts (petE) were less abundant in both mutants at this [copper]. Synechocys
tis PCC 6803(ctaA) and Synechocystis PCC 6803(pacS) showed increased iron d
ependence with impaired growth in deferoxamine mesylate (iron chelator)cont
aining media. Double mutants also deficient in cytochrome c(6), Synechocyst
is PCC 6803(petJ,ctaA) and Synechocystis PCC 6803(petJ,pacS), were viable,
but the former had increased copper dependence with severely impaired growt
h in the presence of bathocuproinedisulfonic acid (copper chelator), Analog
ous transporters are likely to supply copper to plastocyanin in chloroplast