Food substrate chemistry is known to influence radiation sensitivity of pat
hogenic bacteria. The sensitivity of a citrus juice outbreak strain of Salm
onella Enteritidis to gamma radiation was determined in five commercial ora
nge juice formulations. The juices differed in pH (3.87 to 4.13), calcium c
oncentration (2.1 versus 36.9 mM), juice composition (orange versus orange
tangerine blend), and antioxidant power (11,751 to 12,826 muM ferric reduci
ng-antioxidant power units). The D, (dose required to achieve 90% destructi
on) varied only slightly (0.35 to 0.37 kGy), with no significant (P < 0.05)
differences among any of the suspending juices. These results indicate tha
t Salmonella Enteritidis sensitivity to gamma radiation is not strongly inf
luenced by the composition of formulated commercial orange juices.