Triaxial compression testing of pure, polycrystalline water ice I at condit
ions relevant to planetary interiors and near-surface environments (differe
ntial stresses 0.45 to 10 MPa, temperatures 200 to 250 K, confining pressur
e 50 MPa) reveals that a complex variety of theologies and grain structures
may exist for ice and that theology of ice appears to depend strongly on t
he grain structures. The creep of polycrystalline ice I with average grain
size of 0.25 mm and larger is consistent with previously published dislocat
ion creep laws, which are now extended to strain rates as low as 2 x 10(-8)
s(-1) When ice I is reduced to very fine and uniform grain size by rapid p
ressure release from the ice II stability field, the theology changes drama
tically. At 200 and 220 K the theology matches the grain-size-sensitive the
ology measured by Goldsby and Kohlstedt [1997, this issue] at 1 atm. This f
inding dispels concerns that the Goldsby and Kohlstedt results were influen
ced by mechanisms such as microfracturing and cavitation, processes not exp
ected to operate at elevated pressures in planetary interiors. At 233 K and
above, grain growth causes the fine-grained ice to become more creep resis
tant. Scanning electron microscopy investigation of some of these deformed
samples shows that grains have markedly coarsened and the strain hardening
can be modeled by normal grain growth and the Goldsby and Kohlstedt theolog
y. Several samples also displayed very heterogeneous grain sizes and high a
spect ratio grain shapes. Grain-size-sensitive creep and dislocation creep
coincidentally contribute roughly equal amounts of strain rate at condition
s of stress, temperature, and grain size that are typical of terrestrial an
d planetary settings, so modeling ice dynamics in these settings must inclu
de both mechanisms.