The United States continues to stand almost alone among developed nations i
n its lack of universal health care coverage. In this essay, we argue that
even though the debate over whether the federal government or states should
lead the effort to expand health care coverage under the federal system is
relevant in strategizing how to cover the uninsured; the more critical iss
ues stem from the challenge of the mixed and fragmented mode of public-priv
ate financing of our pluralistic health care system.
We base this argument on (1) an in-depth review of Oregon's and Tennessee's
five years of experience with broad coverage reform in the context of the
United States health care system and on (2) a more abbreviated review of ot
her state experiences in providing health care coverage.
We conclude from our review that when the will exists, states can substanti
ally expand coverage. However, as one moves up the income scale, political
support and resources are harder to come by. Further, concerns grow about t
he interface of public and private coverage, with issues of "crowd out" and
other distributional questions dominating the discussion of coverage expan
sion as policy makers focus less on how to cover people than on how to make
sure one kind of coverage doesn't preempt another. Concern for crowd out c
an then lead to policies that keep out some of the very people policy maker
s may want to cover. In this context the: question whether states or the fe
deral government is more likely to succeed in expanding coverage is eclipse
d by the more fundamental challenges raised by pluralism. Neither federal n
or state government is likely to be fully successful without first identify
ing ways of better coordinating public and private activities and resources
to provide continuous and affordable coverage.