Hy. Xu et al., The separation of a penicillium fungal extract by thin layer chromatography and HPLC: A comparative study, J LIQ CHR R, 24(5), 2001, pp. 625-633
The separation of a Penicillium fungal extract by two dimensional-multimoda
l thin layer chromatography and gradient high performance liquid chromatogr
aphy is reported. The fungal extract was resolved on a cyano derivatized si
lica gel TLC plate using two dimensional development; first dimension in me
thylene chloride: hexane:acetic acid (9:10:1), taken out, dried, turned 90
degrees, and developed in the second dimension in acetonitrile:methanol: wa
ter (40:37:32). Over 20 different spots were observed under UV radiation. T
hree different mobile phase gradients, acetonitrile, methanol, and tetrahyd
rofuran as primary organic solvents were used.
Different selectivities; resulted in each gradient. The best result was obt
ained using the acetonitrile gradient, 25% to 100% acetonitrile in 30 minut
es. Also, it was found that using photo diode array detection in natural pr
oducts research is a must when quantitation is required, since the mixture
contains compounds of different absorptivities. The results show that chang
ing the wave length of detection resulted in different peak heights (areas)