Object. Migration and invasion are important prerequisites for the infiltra
tive and destructive growth patterns of malignant gliomas. Infiltrative gro
wth prevents complete tumor resection and causes significant neurological m
orbidity and mortality.
Methods. The authors assessed the expression of matrix metalloproteinases (
MMPs) at messenger RNA and protein levels, MMP-2 and MMP-9 activities, and
expression levels of a panel of anti- and proapoptotic proteins of the BCL-
2 family. They then correlated their findings with oc,P, integrin expressio
n and the migratory and invasive potentials in 12 human malignant glioma ce
ll lines.
Multiple MMPs were expressed by most cell lines. The levels of MMP-2 and MM
P-3 and the activities of MMP-2 and MMP-9 correlated with tumor cell invasi
on. Migration and invasion were also correlated. Although the expression le
vels of alpha (v)beta (3) integrin did not predict migration or invasion, a
neutralizing alpha (v)beta (3) integrin antibody inhibited migration and i
nvasion selectively in cell lines that contained a high level of alpha (v)b
eta (3) integrin expression, thus indicating the important role of alpha (v
)beta (3) integrin for migration and invasion in this subset of cell lines.
An expression pattern of BCL-2 family proteins that favor resistance to ap
optosis was associated with enhanced migration, invasion, and MMP activity.
Wild-type p53 cell lines migrated farther than mutant p53 cell lines.
Conclusions. Activities of MMP-2 and MMP-9 are the best predictors of gliom
a cell invasion. The alpha (v)beta (3) integrin mediates migration and inva
sion in a subset of glioma cell lines, but these processes do not depend on
alpha (v)beta (3) integrin expression. Antiapoptotic BCL-2 family protein
expression is a predictor of efficient migration and invasion.