Patient perspectives were examined as part of an assessment of a routine te
lepsychiatry service in rural Alberta. Information was gathered through sel
f-report questionnaires and telephone interviews. Of 379 questionnaires dis
tributed to patients, 230 (61%) were returned. Of the patients who complete
d questionnaires, 89% reported being satisfied with the service and 96-99%
were satisfied with the equipment and the room. Twenty-nine of 31 patients
who were interviewed by telephone preferred telepsychiatry to waiting for a
consultation, were willing to use the service again and would recommend te
lepsychiatry to a friend. While 25 of these 31 patients preferred telepsych
iatry to travelling to a consultation, 15 indicated that they would prefer
a face-to-face interview to telepsychiatry and a further seven were unsure.
Twenty-three of the 31 patients interviewed would have had to miss time fr
om work or pay for child care in order to travel to a conventional psychiat
ric consultation. The availability of telepsychiatry led to an estimated co
st saving of $210 per consultation for patients who would otherwise have ha
d to travel. From the patient's perspective, telepsychiatry was an acceptab
le technique in the management of mental health difficulties that both incr
eased access to services and produced cost savings.