In order to understand radiographers' views of teleradiology, we sent quest
ionnaires to all radiographers in Hokkaido, japan. Questions concerned the
understanding of, interest in, need for and problems related to teleradiolo
gy. A total of 1275 radiographers responded to the survey (a response rate
of 65%). Almost all had heard about teleradiology and about 60% of them wer
e interested in it. However, fewer radiographers working in the central reg
ion than in other regions expected to be involved in teleradiology. If tele
radiology were to be introduced, 60% of the respondents thought that it sho
uld be used for interpreting difficult cases and 30% for emergency cases. H
alf thought that the system should be managed and operated by the radiograp
her. Thirty-seven per cent of radiographers expected that there would be pr
oblems concerning the management of the system within one facility and betw
een facilities, and 34% predicted problems with the installation costs.