Partially ordered Ni4Mo alloys were observed for the first time at an atomi
c resolution with high-angle annular dark field scanning transmission elect
ron microscopy (HAADF-STEM). The Mo atomic columns in the D1(a) ordered str
ucture were clearly visualized as bright square dots in the HAADF-STEM imag
e. It was found that the ordered regions were observed with a high contrast
in the defocus condition a little overfocused from the Scherzer defocus (D
eltaf=rootC(S). lambda) which is the condition for the smallest electron pr
obe in STEM. The phenomenon was interpreted successfully by using the appro
ximate imaging theory for HAADF-STEM proposed by Jesson et al. Using the pr
esent experimental and simulation results, an approximate imaging theory fo
r visualizing short range ordered state in binary alloys, such as the Ni4Mo
alloys, is proposed.