Purpose: Interstitial cystitis is a disorder of the bladder characterized b
y urgency and frequency of urination, and pelvic pain. The classic type of
interstitial cystitis is characterized by Hunner's ulcers, which are focal
regions of severe bladder inflammation. Patients with Hunner's ulcers tend
to have more severe symptoms and are often refractory to medical management
. We present a prospective series of patients who underwent ablative therap
y of Hunner's ulcers using a neodymium (Nd):YAG laser.
Materials and Methods: A total of 24 patients with interstitial cystitis un
derwent ablative therapy for Hunner's ulcers. Medical therapy had failed in
all cases. Using regional or general anesthesia the Nd:YAG laser under cys
toscopic control was used to ablate the ulcers. The power setting was 15 W.
with a firing duration of between 1 and 3 seconds. The procedure was perfo
rmed on an outpatient basis. Symptoms were noted preoperatively and postope
Results: All patients had symptom improvement within 2 to 3 days. The mean
pain scores decreased from 9.1 to 1.2 (p <0.003), the mean urgency score de
creased from 8.2 to 1.9 (p <0.003), the mean voiding interval increased fro
m every 30 minutes to every 102 (p <0.0001) and nocturia decreased from a m
ean of 7.9 voids per night to 2.9 (p <0.0001). There were no complications.
Mean followup was 23 months. However, relapse in 11 patients required 1 to
4 additional treatments. The re-treatment response was similar to the init
ial treatment.
Conclusions: Nd:YAG laser ablation of Hunner's ulcers is an excellent, mini
mally invasive method of treating interstitial cystitis, While it is not a
cure, it offers patients an opportunity to have decreased symptoms far an e
xtended period and it may be repeated as necessary.