The goal of this study was to compare the responses of late adolescent and
young adult children of divorce and nondivorce on a neu multidimensional me
asure of parentification assessing the extent and fairness of pasty and pre
sent caregiving in one's family. of origin. Three-hundred-and-eighty-two in
dividuals participated. item analyses and internal consistencies of the dif
ferent parentification scales M ere initially conducted on one-half of the
sample and cross-validated on the other half The scores of European and Afr
ican American participants from the validation sample whose parents either
divorced before middle adolescence (N = 35) or never divorced (N = 68) were
then compared. The divorced group reported providing more emotional and in
strumental caregiving and experiencing more unfairness in their families of
origin than did the nondivorced group, although the effect for emotional c
aregiving was moderated bp temporal perspective. Evidence that problematic
forms of parentification in children of divorce continue into late adolesce
nce and young adulthood has implications for models of understanding and he
lping these children and their families.