Visibility of escape routes is most important to guarantee the safety
of people indoors during fires. In the case of a fire, visibility is s
trongly influenced by the smoke present in the room. In the present wo
rk, the extinction coefficient of the visible light has been experimen
tally measured in the presence of the smoke produced by four different
test fires, named TF2, TF3, TF4, and TF5. Tests have been carried out
in a specially suited test room in the Italian Fire Department Resear
ch Center, provided with instruments to measure the optical density of
smoke and the spectral extinction coefficient. The results show that,
between the smokes produced in the test fires, TF3 behaves as the mos
t absorbent one, for the so-called white smokes (with a predominance o
f particles of condensed liquid), and TF4 for the black smokes (with p
redominantly soot particles). Results can also be used to quantitative
ly calculate the light intensity reduction due to the possible fire th
at could be produced in a room, in order to properly design the emerge
ncy lighting system of the escape ways. Verification tests with a norm
al emergency lamp have been performed to cheek this statement. A diffe
rence between the computed and measured reduction of illuminance has b
een discovered, and can be ascribed to a large amount of scattered Lig
ht in the white smokes.