A search for HI absorption has been made in 23 radio galaxies selected from
a complete sample. The observations were made with the Australia Telescope
Compact Array (ATCA), with the Very Large Array (VLA) and for one galaxy w
ith the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT). In five galaxies HI ab
sorption was detected. We investigate how the detection rate is distributed
among galaxies with different radio and optical properties. Among the Fana
roff-Riley (FR) type I radio galaxies, only one object (10 per cent of the
total) was detected in HI absorption. The HI absorption in these objects is
likely to come from a nuclear disc, as found for other galaxies of this ty
pe (e.g. NGC 4261 and Hydra A). The low detection rate is consistent with t
he hypothesis (as suggested by optical and X-ray data) that the 'standard'
parsec-scale, geometrically thick torus is not required in low-luminosity r
adio galaxies. This is consistent with earlier optical work. In the case of
FR type II powerful radio galaxies, no HI absorption has been detected in
broad-line radio galaxies, while three out of four narrow-line radio galaxi
es have been detected (the one non-detection having quite a high upper Limi
t). All of these are compact or small radio galaxies. To first order this i
s consistent with the predictions of the unified schemes, assuming that the
HI absorption is caused by an obscuring torus. However, the indications of
this being the only cause of the absorption are not very strong. In partic
ular, we find that in two of the three detected objects the HI is blueshift
ed compared with the systemic velocity. In the third galaxy (PKS 1549-79) t
wo redshift systems (from the optical lines) are found. The uncertainty in
the systemic velocity derived from optical lines is discussed. Finally, by
also considering data available in the literature, we find a tendency for r
adio galaxies with a strong component of young stellar population and far-i
nfrared emission to show HI absorption. The overall richer interstellar med
ium that is Likely to be present in these galaxies may be a factor in produ
cing the absorption.