Diagnostics of chronic feline diarrhea are difficult. A great number o
f possible causes is opposed by diagnostic methods with limited value,
or diagnostic methods are invasive and can only be performed unter ge
neral anesthesia. Biopsy under endoscopic control and diagnostic lapar
otomy are indicated in the cat in addition to physical examination, di
fferentiation of small bowel from large bowel disease and laboratory t
ests. Idiopathic intestinal diseases can generally only be diagnosed b
y examination of a biopsy specimen. Immunosuppressive therapy is only
indicated in cases where diagnosis is definite. Anatomical obstacles s
uch as adhesions and bridging which cause disturbed passage of ingesta
and disturbances of motility can in most cases only be diagnosed and
cured via laparotomy. Administration of antibiotics is rarely indicate
d. Indications are: infection with primary agents of bacterial diarrhe
a, septicemia, bloody diarrhea, and bacterial overgrowth. No satisfact
ory therapy exists as yet for chronic diarrheas caused by viruses (FeL
V, FIP, FIV). Intestinal lymphosarcomas can be treated with chemothera
peutics, however therapeutic success is limited.