Proteaceae, cultivated in California for the cut-flower industry, were asse
ssed for the occurrence of leaf and stem pathogens. Although fields and nur
series were relatively disease free, several unrecorded pathogens were coll
ected. The most important of these are Coleroa senniana, Botryosphaeria dot
hidea and Elsinoe leucospermi, which can cause significant losses for produ
cers in California, and also Batcheloromyces leucospermi, Botryosphaeria pr
oteae and Coniothyrium leucospermi, which are generally regarded to be of l
esser economic importance. New species described include Camarosporium sp.,
Coniothyrium septatum, Elsinoe fecunda Mycosphaerella leucospermi, Mycosph
aerella sp. and Stigmina californiae. Didymosphaeria futilis was recorded f
or the first time associated with proteaceous hosts. A compilation of all f
ungi recorded on proteas cultivated for the cut-flower industry in the U.S.
A. (excluding Hawaii) is given. It is suggested that further collections of
pathogens should be made at different times of the year, to obtain an over
all impression of the status of proteaceous diseases in California.