Background Universal salt iodization was introduced in Delhi in 1989. The p
resent study quantifies the change in iodine kinetics as a result of this.
The previous values were reported 10-30 years earlier, when Delhi was iodin
e deficient.
Methods. Thirty subjects (18 men and 12 women, 17-48 years of age) who were
residents of Delhi and had no thyroid disorder, were recruited From our ou
tpatient clinic in 1999. The 24-hour urinary excretion of iodine and the io
dine content of salt consumed at home by these subjects were estimated. Kin
etic studies of iodine using radiotracer I-131 were done to determine thyro
id iodine clearance, renal iodine clearance, percentage uptake and absolute
iodine uptake by the thyroid gland, and plasma inorganic iodine.
Results, The median 24-hour urinary iodine excretion was 341.3 Gig. The mea
n (SD) thyroid uptake of radioactive iodine was 4.9 (2.3)% at 2 hours and 1
9.1 (8.0)% at 24 hours. The median calculated plasma inorganic iodine was 1
.36 mug/dl, absolute iodine intake 6.5 mug/hour and thyroid iodine clearanc
e was 4.8 ml/minute (geometric means 1.68 mug/dl, 8.5 mug/hour and 8.1 ml/m
inute, respectively). The serum thyroid hormones and thyroid stimulating ho
rmone were within normal limits.
Conclusion. Compared to the values reported 10-30 years ago when the popula
tion was iodine deficient, the present urinary iodine excretion, plasma ino
rganic iodine and absolute iodine intake have increased, while the percenta
ge thyroid uptake of iodine ingested and thyroid clearance have decreased.
The lack of change in the serum thyroid hormone levels after 10 years of un
iversal salt iodization indicates that iodine consumption has had no advers
e effect on thyroid function in these normal individuals. These changes are
consistent with the increase in iodine consumption, Since the iodine inges
tion in a community may change with time, assessment of iodine kinetics sho
uld be done periodically in different regions of the country.