Shortly after implantation the mouse embryo comprises three tissue layers.
The founder tissue of the embryo proper, the epiblast, forms a radially sym
metric cup of epithelial cells that grows in close apposition to the extra-
embryonic ectoderm and the visceral endoderm. This simple cylindrical struc
ture exhibits a distinct molecular pattern along its proximal-distal axis(1
). The anterior-posterior axis of the embryo is positioned later by coordin
ated cell movements that rotate the pre-existing proximal-distal axis(2-5).
The transforming growth factor-beta family member Nodal is known to be req
uired for formation of the anterior-posterior axis(6). Here we show that si
gnals from the epiblast are responsible for the initiation of proximal-dist
al polarity. Nodal acts to promote posterior cell fates in the epiblast and
to maintain molecular pattern in the adjacent extra-embryonic ectoderm. Bo
th of these functions are independent of Smad2. Moreover, Nodal signals fro
m the epiblast also pattern the visceral endoderm by activating the Smad2-d
ependent pathway required for specification of anterior identity in overlyi
ng epiblast cells. Our experiments show that proximal-distal and subsequent
anterior-posterior polarity of the pregastrulation embryo result from reci
procal cell-cell interactions between the epiblast and the two extra-embryo
nic tissues.