For any odd prime power q. all (q(2)-q + 1)th roots of unity clearly lie in
the extension field F-q(6) of the Galois field F-q of q elements. It is ea
sily shown that none of these roots of unity have trace -2. and the only su
ch roots of trace -3 must be primitive cube roots of unity which do not bel
ony to F-q. Here the trace is taken from F-q(6) to F-q. Computer based sear
ching verified that indeed -2 and possibly -3 were the only values omitted
from the traces of these roots of unity for all Odd q less than or equal to
200. In this paper we show that this fact holds for all odd prime powers q
. As an application, all odd order three-dimensional flag-transitive affine
planes admitting a cyclic transitive action on the line at infinity are en
umerated. (C) 2001 Academic Press.