Hamlet: Has this fellow no feelings of his business, that he sings at grave
Horatio: Custom hath made it in him a property of easiness. (Hamlet Act V,
scene i)(1)
Hamlet is appalled by the gravedigger's insensitivity towards death and cor
pses. Horatio explains that the gravedigger is so accustomed to such things
that he no larger shares Hamlet's seriousness. We contend that human disse
ction may make in medical students and doctors the "property of easiness" i
n dealing with death and the human body, and that this may have negative co
nsequences for medics and patients. It is perhaps worth emphasising at the
outset what this essay is NOT about. We do not wish to can into question th
e while of dissection in medical education; to charge dissection with being
an inefficient or ineffective means of teaching and learning human anatomy
is not our intent. Instead me explore, through the medium of literature, e
xperiences of dissection, and what kind of student and doctor may be encour
aged or produced by the dissection room; what price might be paid for a pra
ctical, first-hand experience of human anatomy.