Vertebrate retinas are highly enriched in long-chain polyunsaturated fatty
acids (PUFA), especially docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3, DHA). In the presen
t study, we investigated the role of de novo, synthesis in the enrichment o
f 22:6n-3 in characteristic molecular species of retinal glycerolipids. Fol
lowing the incubation of fresh dark-adapted retinas with [2-H-3]-glycerol,
individual glycerolipids were isolated and converted into either diacylglyc
erol acetates (DGAC) or diacylglycerol benzoates (DGBZ), followed by high-p
erformance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and flow-through radioactivity dete
ction. Total lipids from rat retinas incubated with [SH]-glycerol were anal
yzed. Unlike what was observed with frog retinas, relative larger of amount
s of di-22:6 molecular species were synthesized de novo. In both rat and fr
og retinas, there was synthesis of glycerolipid molecular species containin
g two PUFA tone of which was 22:6) in larger amounts than predicted by thei
r steady-state mass levels. These results demonstrate that the unique molec
ular species of retinal glycerolipids are derived only in part through de n
ovo synthesis, but that molecular rearrangement (remodeling) and differenti
al turnover must also play a role in maintaining the high levels of 22:6 fo
und in rod phohtoreceptor outer segments (ROS) membranes.