1. Spontaneous miniature outward currents (SMOCs) were observed in mechanic
ally dissociated rat Meynert neurons using nystatin perforated patch record
ings under voltage-clamp conditions.
2. SMOCs were blocked by apamin, a selective blocker of small conductance C
a2+-activated Bf (XK) channels, but not by blockers for other types of Ca2-activated K+ channel.
3. Ryanodine (10-100 muM) reduced both the amplitude and frequency of SMOCs
. Caffeine (1 mM) increased the SMOC frequency. Blockers of the sarco/endop
lasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase completely abolished SMOCs, indicating a requi
rement for functioning sarco/endoplasmic reticulum (SR/ER) Ca2+ stores.
4. Both Cd2+-containing and Ca2+-free solutions partially inhibited SMOC fr
equency, a result which suggests that Ca2+ influx contributes to, but is no
t essential for, SMOC generation.
5. Thus, SMOCs are XK currents linked to ryanodine- and caffeine-sensitive
SR/ER Ca2+ stores, and are only indirectly influenced by extracellular Ca2 influx. The development of this new, minimally invasive mechanical dissoci
ation method has revealed that SMOCs are common in native CNS neurons.