Results of a 4-year study in Sangay National Park, Ecuador, indicated that
the mountain tapir Tapirus pinchaque, consumes a wide variety of woody and
non-woody plant taxa primarily as a foliose browser, and has a preference f
or some nitrogen-fixing plants. The more closed-cover Andean forest and cha
parral habitats contain a greater abundance of mountain tapir-favoured food
than the more open grassland paramo, riverine meadow, and pampas vegetatio
n types. Andean forests are considered the most critical habitat for the su
rvival of this tapir because of their provision of cover and food. Field ob
servations and results of faecal germination experiments show that the moun
tain tapir assists in the successful seed dispersal of many species of Ande
an plants. Significant regressions between: (1) seed germination and (2) bo
th the natural logarithm (In e) of the preference ratio and the dietary abu
ndance of food species indicate a mutualism between the mid to high montane
-dwelling mountain tapir and the plants it consumes. A significant relation
during the past 2 to 3 million years is proposed between: (I) the crossing
of the Panamanian Isthmus and the occupation of the mid to high northern A
ndes by ancestors of the mountain tapir, and (2) the rise of the Andes and
formation of the montane forest and paramo ecosystems above c. 2000 m eleva