Aims: A morphology transition for the marine bacterium, Teredinobacter turn
irae is reported.
Methods and Results: When grown in the rod-shaped morphology, the cells req
uire high concentrations of NaCl (0.3 mol l(-1)) and secrete extracellular
protease and endoglucanase activity. When this bacterium is grown in a medi
um containing casein as a sole carbon and nitrogen source, a major change i
n morphology to a stable aggregated form is obtained.
Conclusions: In the aggregated morphology, much higher protease production
rates (170 Units ml(-1) d(-1) for aggregates vs. 15 Units ml(-1) d(-1) for
rods, for the same initial biomass) and negligible endoglucanase titres are
obtained. In addition, the aggregated morphology does not require sodium c
hloride for growth.
Significance and Impact of the Study: The phenomenon reported here describe
s a novel relationship between the cell morphology and the biochemical char
acteristics of the bacterium.