The related processes of disturbance, recolonization, and succession can pl
ay major roles in structuring communities and in generating spatial heterog
eneity. Nonequilibrium processes have been little studied with respect to m
icrobial community dynamics. Here we report experimental efforts to identif
y the mechanisms of recolonization of egesta employing two intertidal depos
it feeders. Balanoglossus aurantiacus and Nereis succinea. Using direct mic
roscopic counts and Biolog plates, we compared the quantitative and qualita
tive patterns of recovery in egesta isolated from underlying sediments on "
latrines" to recolonization in naturally incubated fecal casts. Significant
recovery over the 2-h observation periods was never seen on latrines. Rapi
d recovery in metabolic potential was observed in the naturally incubated F
ecal casts of both animal species. Likewise, a rapid numerical recovery was
seen in the egesta of N. succinea casts on sediments. In contrast, no nume
rical recovery was evident in any fecal casts of B. aurantiacus over 2 h, r
egardless of treatment. For these two species, recolonization appears to be
dominated by migration of bacteria from underlying sediments as opposed to
repopulation by survivors of ingestion. These findings indicate that renew
al of available (digestible) microbial resources to deposit feeders is more
rapid than would be predicted if regrowth was the dominant process of reco
lonization. Furthermore, because recovery time is short relative to the int
erval between disturbances, deposit feeding is unlikely to play a major rol
e in structuring benthic microbial communities.