CsrR/CsrS (CovR/CovS) is a two-component regulator of extracellular virulen
ce factors in Group A streptococcus, but the full range of regulated exopro
teins is unknown. Since CsrR represses expression of regulated factors, cul
ture supernates of wild-type and CsrR(-) mutant strains were compared by tw
o-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DGE) to identify regulated exoproteins.
Supernates of Delta csrRS(-) mutant, but not wild-type, bacteria contained
an abundant 23 kDa protein. The N-terminal sequence of this spot correspon
ded to a putative open reading frame (ORF) in the streptococcal genome. In
a mobility shift assay, phosphorylated CsrR bound to a PCR amplicon that in
cluded sequences upstream of this ORF. By primer extension analysis, the OR
F (designated mspA, for mucoidy-associated secreted protein) was expressed
in mid- and late-exponential phase in a Delta csrRS(-) mutant. The presence
of an in-frame deletion in mspA did not affect colony appearance, mucoidy
or in vitro growth, and there was no difference between Delta mspA and wild
type strains in a mouse model of skin infection. MspA is co-regulated with
other factors required for dermonecrosis (e.g. capsule, streptolysin S and
purogenic exotoxin B); however, deletion of this gene does not affect expre
ssion of hyaluronic acid capsule or severity of skin infection in mice. (C)
2001 Academic Press.