Atopic eczma is characterized by 4 principal pathogenetic factors: disturba
nce of the epi dermal barrier leading to skin dryness, immune dysregulation
inducing chronic inflammation,increased release of pruritogenic mediators,
and skin irritability, i.e. an abnormal response towards endogenous and ex
ogenous trigger factors. Since atopic eczema is a genetically determined di
sorder, ,,cure" is not feasible, but much can be done to alleviate symptoms
and improve the patient's quality of life. Accordingly, therapy is based o
n the external application of emollients ideally adapted to the actual dise
ase state,wise use of anti-inflammatory agents, and treatment of chronic pr
uritus and bacterial superinfections resulting from excoriations. Identific
ation and elimination of trigger factors helps to prevent (or confine) freq
uent relapses. Recent studies suggest that primary prevention might be feas
ible in the future.