The ALICEILHCB chip is a mixed-mode integrated circuit designed to read out
silicon pixel detectors for two different applications: particle tracking
in the ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector and particle identification in the LHCb
Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector. To satisfy the different needs for these
two experiments, the chip can be operated in two different modes. In tracki
ng mode all the 50 mum x 425 mum pixel cells in the 256 x 32 array are read
out individually, whilst in particle identification mode they are combined
in groups of 8 to form a 32 x 32 array of 400 mum x 425 mum cells. Radiati
on tolerance was enhanced through special circuit layout. Sensitivity to co
upling of digital signals into the analog front end was minimized. System i
ssues such as testability and uniformity further constrained the design. Th
e circuit is currently being manufactured in a commercial 0.25 mum CMOS tec
hnology. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.