We reconsider a number of measurements for the overall hydration kinetics o
f tricalcium silicate pastes having an initial water to cement weight ratio
close to 0.5. We find that the time dependent ratio of hydrated and unhydr
ated silica mole numbers can be well characterized by two power laws in tim
e, x/(1-x) similar to (t/t(x))(psi). For early times t<t(x) we find an "acc
elerated" hydration (<psi>= 5/2) and for later times t>t(x) a parabolic beh
avior ( psi= 1/2). The crossover time is estimated as t(x)approximate to 16
h. We interpret these results in terms of a global second-order rate equat
ion Indicating that (a) hydrates catalyze the hydration process for t<t(x),
(b) they inhibit further hydration for t>t(x), and (c) the value of the as
sociated rate constant is of magnitude 6 x 10(-7)-7x10(-6) 1 mol(-1) s(-1).
We argue, by considering that the hydration process actually occurs via di
ffusion limited precipitation, that the exponents psi= 5/2 and psi= 1/2 dir
ectly indicate a preferentially platelike hydrate microstructure. This is e
ssentially in agreement with experimental observations of cellular hydrate
microstructures for this class of materials.