Electrodeposition of Au/B4C composites is attractive for the achievement of
hard and termally stable Au films displaying outstanding tribological perf
ormance. The addition of micrometric B4C particles to Au electrodeposition
baths brings about time-dependent morphological variations on the micromete
r scale, eventually reaching a steady state behaviour. These morphological
variations are a function of growth rate, amount of particles suspended in
the bath and hydrodynamic conditions. A systematic experimental investigati
on of these effects was carried out by in-plane and cross-sectional SEM obs
ervations. An image-analysis procedure for the evaluation of the effective
surface area was set up. Correlations bewteen operating conditions and volu
me fraction of ceramic in the composite are proposed, based on image analys
is of SEM micrographs. Morphology evolution data can be used to model indep
endently measured electrochemical quantities related to the effective catho
de surface area.