The prevention and treatment of crystal deposition in the human body are ba
sed on the understanding of the physicochemical properties underlying the p
recipitation of the substances involved. Among these properties, the solubi
lities of the crystals are very important. Recently, experimentally determi
ned solubility data of substances related to urolithiasis, such as calcium
oxalate hydrates, uric acid and urates, cystine, and xanthine, were critica
lly assessed. Unfortunately, reported solubilities of these substances were
found to be either scarce or in large disagreement. Consequently, detailed
studies were carried out in our laboratory, and the results will be discus
sed in this communication with emphasis on the thermodynamic consistency of
the experimentally determined data. Since proper modeling of the solubilit
ies of these substances in artificial urine solutions serves as a prerequis
ite for solubility predictions in real urine, the Joint Expert Speciation S
ystem (JESS) software package was employed to create a comprehensive comput
er model including the relevant, low-molecular inorganic and organic compon
ents of urine. The results of the simulations lead to some useful suggestio
ns regarding the prevention and treatment of stone disease.