There are no standard methods for assessing the quality of young children's
perceptions of their health and well-being and their ability to comprehend
the tasks involved in reporting their health. This research involved three
cross-sectional studies using cognitive interviews of 5-11-year-old childr
en (N = 114) to determine their ability to respond to various presentations
of pictorially illustrated questions about their health. The samples had a
predominance of children in the 5-7-year-old range and families of lower a
nd middle socio-economic status. The research questions in Study 1 involved
children's ability to convert their health experiences into scaled respons
es and relate them to illustrated items (n = 35); Study 2 focused on the ty
pe of response format most effectively used by children (n = 19); and Study
3 involved testing children's understanding of health-related terms and us
e of a specific recall period (n = 60). The results of Study 1 showed that
children identified with the cartoon drawing of a child depicted in the ill
ustrated items, typically responding that the child was at or near their ow
n age and of the same gender, with no differences related to race. Study 2
results indicated that children responded effectively to circles of graduat
ed sizes to indicate their response and preferred them to same-size circles
or a visual analogue scale. Tests of three-, four-, and five-point respons
e formats demonstrated that children could use them all without confusion.
In Study 3, expected age-related differences in understanding were obtained
. In fact, the 5-year-old children were unable to understand a sufficient n
umber of items to adequately describe their health. Virtually all children
8 years of age and older were able to fully understand the key terms and pr
esentation of items, used the full five-point range of response options, an
d accurately used a 4-week recall period. Six- and seven-year-olds were mor
e likely than older children to use only the extreme and middle responses o
n a five-point scale. No pattern of gender differences in understanding or
in use of response options was found. We conclude that children as young as
eight are able to report on all aspects of their health experiences and ca
n use a five-point response format. Children aged 6-7 had difficulty with s
ome health-related terms and tended to use extreme responses, but they unde
rstood the basic task requirements and were able to report on their health
experiences. These results provide the guidance needed to develop and test
a pediatric health status questionnaire for children 6-11 years old.