This paper describes aspects of the life history of mountain whitefish Pros
opium williamsoni from a high-elevation stream. the West Fork of Blacks For
k River. Utah (2.835-2.926 m), and summarizes fecundity of mountain whitefi
sh from five northeastern Utah streams (Blacks Fork. Blacksmith Fork, Logan
, Prove, and Weber rivers). The standing crop of mountain whitefish in a 0.
14-ha reach of the: Blacks Fork River was 224.5 kg/ha or 2.375 fishlkm. The
se fish attained a maximum age of 12 years and grew from a mean total lengt
h of 72 mm at age 1 to 347 mm at age 12, growing more slowly than fish from
other stream populations. Spawning in Blacks Fork River began in mid-Octob
er. All males were sexually mature by age 4 (181 mm or longer); females rea
ched sexual maturity at 201-251 mm (ages 5-7). The ratio of mature males to
females was 1.6:1. Fecundity (772-4,860 eggs) was correlated to female bod
y size (215-361 mm and 86-372 g, respectively). Fecundity of 190 mountain w
hitefish from the five streams was also positively correlated with fish siz
e and was similar for fish of comparable sizes from all five streams. Varia
tion in fecundity of individual fish increased with fish size. From size-gr
ouped data, predicted fecundity for mountain whitefish increased by total l
ength from 350 eggs for females averaging 217 mm to 11,844 eggs at 437 mm a
nd by weight from 1,171 eggs for females averaging 86 g to 17,083 eggs at 1
.1 kg. These results were consistent with fecundity of mountain whitefish f
rom other locations in western North America.