The gold and base-metal potential of the Pan-African orogens is reviewed. E
xplorationists in these terranes face two scenarios: ground that has alread
y been explored but merits re-evaluation in the light of new techniques or
data, such as the Central African Copperbelt and the Damara Belt, and groun
d that has been subject to little previous exploration, such as the Mozambi
que Belt and Hoggar. It is predicted that genetic modelling, based on the s
ource-migration-trap paradigm used in petroleum exploration and following a
progression from geodynamic domain scale through terranes and mineral play
types to prospect scale, will play an important part in future exploration
in Africa. The greatest immediate potential of this methodology is seen to
lie in its application to the Copperbelt, the Damaran Mobile Belt, the Wes
t Congolian Belt and, possibly, the exposed parts of the North African Alta
id-style orogen from Hoggar to the Red Sea.