Danon disease ('lysosomal glycogen storage disease with normal acid maltase
') is characterized by a cardiomyopathy, myopathy and variable mental retar
dation. Mutations in the coding sequence of the lysosomal-associated membra
ne protein 2 (LAMP-2) were shown to cause a LAMP-2 deficiency in patients w
ith Danon disease. LAMP-2 deficient mice manifest a similar vacuolar cardio
skeletal myopathy. In addition to the patient reports LAMP-2 deficiency in
mice causes pancreatic, hepatocytic, endothelial and leucocyte vacuolation.
LAMP-2 deficient mice represent a valuable animal model of Danon disease.
They will further be used to study the exact role of LAMP-P in autophagy an
d to analyse the consequences of an impaired autophagic pathway in various