We present a novel method for estimating the power of sequential CMOS circu
its. Symbolic probabilistic power estimation with an enumerated state space
is used to estimate the average power switched by the circuit. This approa
ch is more accurate than simulation based methods. Automatic circuit partit
ioning and state space exploration provide improvements in run-time and sto
rage requirements over existing approaches. Circuits are automatically part
itioned to improve the execution time and to allow larger circuits to be pr
ocessed. Spatial correlation is dealt with by minimizing the cutset between
partitions which tends to keep areas of reconvergent fanout in the same pa
rtition. Circuit partitions can be recombined using our combinational estim
ation methods which allow the exploitation of knowledge of probabilities of
the circuit inputs. We enumerate the state transition graph (STG) incremen
tally using state space exploration methods developed for formal verificati
on, Portions of the STC are generated on an as-needed basis, and thrown awa
y after they are processed. BDDs are used to compactly represent similar st
ates. This saves significant space in the storage of the STG. Our results s
how that modeling the state space is imperative for accurate power estimati
on of sequential circuits, partitioning saves time, and incremental state s
pace exploration saves storage space. This allows us to process larger circ
uits than would otherwise be possible.