Plant growth regulators (PGR) shorten the straw of cereals, but their effec
ts on other traits of plant stand structure have been inconsistent. To arri
ve at an assessment of whole-plant response, experiments were conducted in
the greenhouse to study the effect of PGR applications on root and shoot gr
owth of spring cereals. Ethephon, chlormequat chloride (CCC), and trinexapa
c-ethyl were applied during early growth stages to barley (Hordeum vulgare
L.), oat (A vena sativa L,), and wheat (Triticum aestivum L,) cultivars gro
wn either in sand mixture or in clay illitic topsoil. The effects on root a
nd shoot growth (mg plant(-1)), root/shoot ratio, tiller number, and weight
per main shoot were studied in all cereal species. The response of CO2 exc
hange rate (CER) (mu mol CO2 m(-2) s(-1)) and formation of yield potential
to PGR treatment were studied more closely in "Mahti" wheat. The effect of
CCC application on root area (cm(2)), length (cm), specific root length (SR
L cm/mg), and width (mum) at soil depths of 0 to 20, 20 to 40, and 40 to 60
cm was studied in Mahti wheat. Plant growth regulator applications reduced
main shoot growth in barley and wheat up to 20%, Tiller production was enh
anced by ethephon and TE treatment in all species, but not adequately to co
mpensate for PGR-induced reduction in main shoot growth. Carbon dioxide exc
hange rate was reduced temporarily by ethephon and TE treatments in Mahti w
heat, Plant growth regulator applications have modest potential for modifyi
ng traits of spring cereal plant stand structure other than straw length.