A physician's choice of an antiepileptic drug (AED) usually depends upon th
e patient's seizure type. But the pharmacokinetic characteristics of AEDs c
an further help determine the best drug for a particular patient. These cha
racteristics, including absorption, elimination pathway, and potential for
drug interactions, are of critical importance for patients who take other m
edication for comorbid conditions and for patients with impaired renal or h
epatic function. The ideal AED would have a rapid, linear, consistent absor
ption rate with complete clearance, low plasma protein binding, and rapid c
entral nervous system penetration. It would be eliminated predominantly by
the kidneys. The new AEDs do not prompt the same concerns about interaction
s because they have much better pharmacokinetic profiles than the older dru
gs and as a result require less monitoring for potential interactions.