Background: Parent-teen driving agreements are potentially important tools
to facilitate parental management of teen driving and reduce adolescent dri
ving risk. The Checkpoints Parent-Teen Driving Agreement (Checkpoints P-TDA
) was designed so that parents could initially impose strict limitations on
teen driving in high-risk driving conditions (e.g., at night and with teen
passengers) and gradually increase driving privileges over time as teens d
emonstrate responsible driving behavior.
Methods: To assess the acceptability of the format and content of the Check
points P-TDA, it was pilot tested with a convenience sample of 47 families
recruited as their teens tested for a driver's license at five private driv
ing schools in Connecticut. Family members were interviewed at the driving
schools about potential limits on teen driving, asked to use the driving ag
reement, and re-interviewed within 3 months about acceptability of the driv
ing agreement and initial driving limits placed on teens.
Results: Most families (38 of 47) used and liked the agreement. In addition
, most parents placed the recommended strict initial limits on teen driving
related to driving related to driving unsupervised at night, with teen pas
sengers, and on high-speed roads. Moreover, parents reported placing more s
trict limits on their teens' driving than they originally intended.
Conclusions: The results showed promise for the acceptability of the Checkp
oints P-TDA, which will be tested statewide. (C) 2001 American Journal of P
reventive Medicine.