Medication errors are an important cause of patient morbidity and mortality
and excessive costs, including in anesthesia. Conventional methods of inje
ctable drug administration in anesthesia make little use of technology to s
upport manual checking and are idiosyncratic and relatively error prone. Si
milarly, conventional anesthesia records are handwritten, time-consuming to
make, and often unreliable. There are automated record systems, but they d
o not provide support for checking drugs. Therefore, by using a multifacete
d approach based on established principles of systems design and human fact
ors psychology, we have developed a system that includes trays that promote
a well-organized anesthetic workspace, color- and bar-coded labeling of sy
ringes, and automatic visual and auditory verification of the syringe label
s by computer just before each drug administration. In addition, documentat
ion of drugs administered and a traditional anesthetic case record are gene
rated automatically. The system has been successfully deployed for 25 mo an
d has been used by 35 anesthesiologists in 1148 diverse cases, including ca
rdiopulmonary bypass procedures, heart and lung transplants, and orthopedic
and otorhinolaryngologic operations. It is in daily use in a tertiary teac
hing center and in a private hospital.