Internet has recently evolved as a versatile and influential repository of
information including those pertaining to neurosurgery. This study was unde
rtaken to find out whether there is good quality information currently avai
lable on the Internet for neurosurgery patients and their families. We surv
eyed the World Wide Web (www) for information on 5 neurosurgery-terms: pall
idotomy, lumbar discectomy, hydrocephlus, glioma and carotid artery aneurys
m. We searched the www using Google search-engine for documents related to
each of the above terms and then assessed the information contained in the
first 30-hits for each term using a simple 4-point grading system. Our stud
y suggests that there is generally a good quantity of good quality informat
ion on the Internet for neurosurgery patients and their families. Internet
provides an opportunity for patient associations and professional bodies to
collaborate to create useful databases to help neurosurgery patients and t
heir relatives.