When a high-affinity K+ transporter, HKT1, was cloned from the roots of K+-
starved wheat and characterized, it seemed that the wheat high-affinity K+-
uptake mechanism had been found. We review the present status of HKT1 as a
putative component of the wheat root high-affinity mechanism, concluding th
at its role remains unclear, as it also does in barley. We describe a new a
ttempt to find its role. High-affinity K+ transport in K+-starved wheat see
dling roots was studied by measuring K+-evoked depolarization. A single dom
inant transport system was shown to carry K+, Rb+ and Cs+, with a binding s
ite selectivity of about 1:1:0.15, respectively. We showed that the small e
ffect of 1 mM Na+ on K+-evoked depolarization could be inhibition under som
e conditions and stimulation under others. We confirmed that the effect of
1 mM Na+ was to raise the K+ affinity and to reduce transport velocity. In
0 Na+, high pH greatly reduced the K+-affinity, but in 1 mM Na+, high pH ha
d no effect. So, in a given test, the effect of Na+ was to increase or decr
ease K+-evoked depolarization, depending on the test [K+] and the pH. We di
scuss simplified, but plausible, kinetic models for this interaction of pH
and Na+. The simplest model includes a K+ symporter driven by H+ or Na+ dep
ending on their relative concentrations and affinities, with random binding
order for the two possible driver ions. This symporter would differ from H
KT1 in its selectivity for Rb+ vs K+ and in its inability to carry Na+ alon
e. No role has been found for a symporter resembling HKT1 as it is presentl
y characterized by heterologous expression.