Most growth and storage organs (sinks) of higher plants import assimilates
in solution by bulk flow through the phloem, driven by differences in hydro
static pressure. These differences in pressure, located between the ends of
the interconnecting phloem path, are generated by osmotic water movement,
driven in turn by membrane transport of solutes. Sucrose, amino-nitrogen co
mpounds and potassium represent the osmotically important solutes found in
phloem contents of most species. Phloem loading and unloading events of the
se assimilate species play central roles in determining phloem translocatio
n rates and partitioning of assimilates and water. Depending on plant speci
es, leaf vein order and sink type, phloem loading and unloading may follow
apoplasmic or symplasmic routes. Irrespective of the cellular pathway follo
wed, assimilates are transported across plasma and organellar membranes. Aq
uaporins, amino-nitrogen transporters, sucrose transporters and potassium c
hannels have been detected in key sites along the source-phloem-sink transp
ort pathway. Reverse genetics has demonstrated that sucrose/proton symporte
rs are important in transport events necessary for phloem loading in Solana
ceous plant species. Drawing on circumstantial evidence, we review possible
functions the remaining membrane transporters and channels may serve in dr
iving phloem translocation of assimilates and water from source to sink.