The majority of chemotherapy regimens and trials specify doses of cytotoxic
drugs normalized to body surface area. Estimation of BSA in paediatric pat
ients is particularly problematic, as conventional nomograms require accura
te determination of both height and weight. The chemotherapy standards grou
p of the UKCCSG (United Kingdom Children's Cancer Study Group) has evaluate
d a method for calculation of body surface area (BSA) estimation, based sol
ely on patient weight. In comparison with BSA estimations using 2 commonly
used methods, which require both weight and height measurements, deviation
in the estimate of BSA was less than 10%. This method may be extended to th
e dosing of chemotherapeutic agents in infants of body weight less than 10
kg, with appropriate recommendations for dose modification. Until better co
rrelates of drug clearance, such as GFR for carboplatin, are identified BSA
is used to standardize doses for most chemotherapeutic agents. The formula
presented here provides a more robust and reliable method of calculation o
f BSA from weight alone. Although this approach has been shown to be equiva
lent to other currently used methods, care should be taken extending this c
alculation of BSA to children less than 10 kg, to obese patients and to tho
se with cachexia. (C) 2001 Cancer Research Campaign.