We describe two families with the 'cryohydrocytosis' form of stomatocytosis
. Both show a mild stomatocytic anaemia with Hb levels of 12-16 g/dl and re
ticulocyte counts of 4.3-24%, with very marked autohaemolysis at refrigerat
or temperatures and pseudohyperkalaemia as a result of loss of K from red c
ells on storage at room temperature. The ouabain + bumetanide-insensitive '
passive leak' K influx showed a 'U'-shaped temperature dependence, with a m
inimum at 23 degreesC. In one family, there was consistent variation in hae
matological severity within the pedigree. In the other, the parents of the
proposita were normal, but all three of her children were affected, consist
ent with a new mutation of a dominant condition. Cold storage of the red ce
lls led to a very marked increase in osmotic fragility and macrospherocytos
is, explaining why a diagnosis of 'hereditary spherocytosis' can easily be
reached in these pedigrees.