Background: Using a combined analysis of 11 case-control studies from Europ
e, we have investigated the relationship between cigarette smoking and blad
der cancer in women.
Methods: Available smoking information on 685 female bladder cancer cases a
nd 2416 female controls included duration of smoking habit, number of cigar
ettes smoked per day, and time since cessation of smoking habit for ex-smok
Results: There was an increasing risk of bladder cancer with increasing dur
ation of smoking, ranging from approximately a two-fold increased risk for
a duration of less than 10 years (odds ratio (OR) = 1.9, 95% confidence int
erval (CI) 1.1-3.1) to over a four-fold increased risk for a duration of gr
eater than 40 years (OR = 4.1, 95% CI 3.0-5.5). A dose-response relationshi
p was observed between number of cigarettes smoked per day and bladder canc
er up to a threshold limit of 15-20 cigarettes per day, OR = 3.8 (95% CI 2.
7-5.4), after which no increased risk was observed. An immediate decrease i
n risk of bladder cancer was observed for those who gave up smoking. This d
ecrease was over 30% in the immediate 1-4 years after cessation, OR = 0.68
(95% CI 0.38-1.2). However, even after 25 years the decrease in risk did no
t reach the level of the never-smokers, OR = 0.27 (95% CI 0.21-0.35).
Conclusion: The proportion of bladder cancer cases among women attributable
to ever smoking was 0.30, (0.25-0.35) and to current smoking was 0.18 (0.1
4-0.22). These attributable proportions are less than those observed among
men, although they are likely to increase in the future as the smoking-rela
ted disease epidemic among women matures.