Objectives: a) To review the hepatic response to sepsis and to establish ho
w this response contributes to coagulation and inflammatory processes; b) t
o review the physiologic and biochemical mechanisms that suggest hepatic dy
sfunction may occur during sepsis, enhance procoagulant and proinflammatory
activities, and participate in the potential evolution to multiple organ d
ysfunction syndrome.
Data Sources: A summary of published medical literature from MEDLINE search
files and published reviews on liver function in experimental and human se
Data Summary: In sepsis, the liver plays a major role in host defense mecha
nisms. Kupffer cells are responsible for bacterial scavenging, bacterial pr
oducts inactivation, and inflammatory mediators clearance and production. H
epatocytes, via receptors for many proinflammatory cytokines, modify their
metabolic pathway toward gluconeogenesis, amino-acid uptake, and increased
synthesis of coagulant and complement factors and protease inhibitors, The
acute-phase protein (APP) response also contributes to the procoagulant sta
te, especially by enhancing the inhibition of protein C (alpha (1)-antitryp
sin and alpha (2)-macroglobulin) and by decreasing liver synthesis of prote
in C and antithrombin (negative APPs), Elevated C-reactive protein levels (
positive APPs) promote the expression of tissue factor by mononuclear cells
. Increased liver production of thrombin-activatable fibrinolytic inhibitor
(positive APPs) enhances fibrinolysis inhibition. Conversely, such hepatic
inflammatory and coagulation processes in sepsis may alter the function of
this organ. Indeed, the liver can be injured by activated Kupffer cells th
at release chemokines, attract blood neutrophils into the liver, and activa
te them. Neutrophils upregulate their surface adhesion molecules, tissue fa
ctor, and Kupffer cells, whereas tissue factor pathway inhibitor and thromb
omodulin are almost undetectable in endothelial cells. This may lead to mic
rocirculatory disturbances, fibrin deposition, hepatocyte injury, endotoxin
and bacteria spillover, and multiple organ failure.
Conclusions: In sepsis, the liver participates in host defense and tissue r
epair through hepatic cell cross-talk that controls most of the coagulation
and inflammatory processes. When this control is not adequate, a secondary
hepatic dysfunction may occur and may sometimes lead to bacterial products
spillover, enhanced procoagulant and inflammatory processes, and in turn,
multiple organ failure and death.