Within the context of an impending reacher shortage, this article considers
the professional cultures that new teachers encounter in their schools. Us
ing new entrants' accounts, we characterized three types of professional cu
ltures or subcultures within schools: veteran-oriented cultures, novice-ori
ented cultures, and integrated cultures. In veteran-oriented cultures, new
teachers described norms of professional interaction determined, in large p
art, by the veterans, with little attention to the particular needs of begi
nning teachers. In novice-oriented cultures, an the other hand new teachers
described norms of professional interaction determined by novices, thus le
aving them with little experienced guidance about how 10 teach. However; in
integrated professional cultures, new teachers described being provided wi
th sustained support and having frequent exchanges with colleagues across e
xperience levels. principals proved to be important in developing and maint
aining integrated professional cultures where the particular needs of new t
eachers were both recognized and addressed.