Global gray-level thresholding techniques such as Otsu's method, and local
gray-level thresholding techniques such as edge-based segmentation or adapt
ive thresholding method are powerful in extracting character objects from s
imple or slowly varying backgrounds. However, they are found to be insuffic
ient when the backgrounds include sharply varying contours or fonts in diff
erent sizes. In this paper, a stroke model is proposed to depict the local
features of character objects as double-edges in a predefined size. This mo
del enables us to detect thin connected components selectively, while ignor
ing relatively large backgrounds that appear complex. Meanwhile, since the
stroke width restriction is fully factored in, the proposed technique ran b
e used to extract characters in predefined font sizes. To process large vol
umes of documents efficiently, a hybrid method is proposed for character ex
traction from various backgrounds. Using the measurement of class separabil
ity to differentiate images with simple backgrounds from those with complex
backgrounds, the hybrid method can process documents with different backgr
ounds by applying the appropriate methods. Experiments on extracting handwr
itings from check image, as well as machine-printed characters from scene i
mages demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model.