This note discusses the implications of an incorrect quotation that appeare
d in Ted H. Miller's article, 'Thomas Hobbes and the Constraints that Enabl
e the Imitation of God', from Inquiry 42.2 (1999). Although surely inadvert
ent, this error is significant because the author uses it to support the th
esis that Hobbes envisions philosophers imitating God by creating order out
of chaos. The correct quotation from Leviathan does not support such a the
sis, and the paragraph in Leviathan from which it is taken from runs counte
r to it. The correct quotation, taken in its context, and a passage from De
Corpore cited by Professor Miller reveal that Hobbes encourages philosophe
rs to imitate God by following the order of creation in contemplation. In o
ther words, philosophers imitate God by imitating the creation.